Outreach and Service


Outreach and Service

Hospitality/Sunday Coffee & Donuts

This ministry is one of hospitality and welcoming. Ministers provide the opportunity for community members to gather and share the gift of each other after Sunday morning Masses. Do you like speaking with people? Does it make you happy to make others feel welcomed? You are just the person we want! Hospitality Committee serves coffee and donuts after the 7:30 and 9:30 morning Masses on the first Sunday of each month. Currently, we have 10 members and we could need more help! This is a wonderful way to meet and greet parishioners. If you would like more information, please call the office at (510)351-5050.

Pastoral Care/Homebound Ministry

We are Eucharistic Ministers to the Homebound and our purpose is to bring the Body of Christ in Communion to those homebound because of illness and cannot attend Mass. Presently we have 14 Ministers taking Communion to those parishioners who have called to say they are in need of Communion in their home and some of the Ministers take Communion on a once a week and/or twice a month and once a month depending on how many homebound they have on their schedule. Most of the Ministers are attending to multiple homes. The Ministers themselves try to meet every 3 months to share ideas, problems and invoke the Holy Spirit to give us the tools we need to facilitate our ministry. When bringing Communion to the sick we also follow a prayer guide with the sick as well. We are in need of more Homebound Ministers as there is a constant call and request for Communion to the sick and some of the Ministers are on overload right now. If you feel called to be part of this ministry, please contact the parish office, at (510)351-5050.

St. Vincent de Paul Society

St. Vincent DePaul’s mission is to support and help the poor in our community. We do this by handing out food Monday - Friday at 4PM. We carry some clothes on hand to give those who need it especially in the winter, jackets etc. We have McDonalds cards worth $10.00, 99c Store cards worth $10.00, S.V.D.P. clothing cards worth $25.00. Also we have AC bus tickets for them to use. We do provide toiletries too. Our poor are allowed to come in once a month for help and are given other places they can pick up food, etc. thru the month. We talk and pray with them and try to comfort them. We help pay rent and utilities depending on money available in our parish but we also work with surrounding churches to help keep our poor off the streets by getting money from them as well as we support them to when we can. We have 15 members. We meet the 2nd Wednesday every month at 6:00 PM in the S.V.D.P. room attached to the gym. We are always looking for new members as sick times, vacations cut us short but mostly to keep plenty of help on hand to help our community and not let our organization die. Contacts: President LeNora Carroll, 510-432-9184, lenoracarroll@comcast.net. Vice President Bill Sterling, 510-276-1150.

Sunday Collection Counters

Ministers are needed to count and prepare our collections for banking. These men and women offer their services to help lighten the load of the parish staff and to insure the accuracy and safekeeping of Sunday collections. They perform a vital service and share community with each other by gathering together to count the collections weekly. Responsible, careful and conscientious persons with the gifts of confidentiality, purpose and integrity are needed to provide this service, and to record the generosity of our parishioners. Anyone willing to give a couple of hours every two weeks to this important ministry, please contact the Parish Office at 510-351-5050.